Season of Giving Back

Goodyear-Alzheimers This year, RealtyONEGroup Cares kicked off the fall season with the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. RealtyONEGroup Cares supplied customized shirts for our team member who have had relatives affected by the disease. In the last month, we were able to raise over $3,000, together as ONE! Realty ONE Group Cares Team_Alzheimers walk 2015 (1) With the successful Alzheimer’s Walks wrapping up in Nevada, Arizona, and California, we’re shifting our #GiveONEBack focus to our Holiday Food Drive — help families in need this season by donating canned and non-perishable goods to your RealtyONEGroup office now through December 21st. It’s ONE of the best ways to appreciate the communities where we live, work, and play! food-drive-2015-FB 2   RealtyONEGroup is a lifestyle real estate brand committed to giving back and spreading positivity. It is our ONE mission that effects change. Helping hands are more than just a symbol; when they come together to complete a circle, they inspire others to do the same. Join RealtyONEGroup and join the family.