If hosting an Open House is ONE of the many tools in your box to ensure you capture the listing, make certain that you are investing your time in generating great, viable leads to build your business. The old days of putting flimsy signs on each corner and one large ONE in the yard is no longer the most effective way for you to generate the leads you desire. Let’s consider a few twists and turns that will bring Buyers to you!
Build Systems:
One of the first things you will need to become a master of efficiency and effectiveness is to prepare and maintain an Open House Kit. A good scout is always prepared and a great REALTOR® is prepared for anything. You might consider:
Open House Kit:
Large Container (Can stay in your car’s trunk as several items will be “as needed” only)
Open House Signs
Sign Riders (Open 1:00-3:00 this Saturday!)
Open House Flags and Banners
Welcome Sign
Sign in Sheet or iPad for sign in
Agency disclosure paperwork as required for compliance
Survey requesting feedback from potential buyers as they walk thru the property
Area Map or collateral about community (amenities)
Shoe Booties & Sign “Please cover shoes”
Table | Chair for vacant homes
Tasteful background music (smart phone with portable speake3r)
Water bottles (branded to you)
Refreshments (perhaps cookies)
Property flyers | Property Profile information
Personal brochure | Business Cards
Mortgage loan flyers
Decorated box for registration forms (if there is a give-away or drawing)
Coloring books, crayons, iPad loaded with games for kids to use while parents tour
Tool kit: hammer, wrench, pliers, screwdriver, measuring tape, zip ties
First Aid Kit
Laptop, iPad, tablet
Thank you notes | envelopes | stamps
Scripts | Dialogs | Objection Handlers (other homework you can work on)
Happy, successful mindset
Prior to your official Open House or “main event”, you might consider solicitating the neighborhood and encouraging them to introduce you to potential buyers. They will love the opportunity to have a role in selecting their new neighbors!
Neighbor Preview:
Consider hosting an Open House for neighbors only. This event should be held 72 to 48 hours prior to the main event. Invite the neighborhood and offer a sneak peek with the opportunity to bring leads to you. You might consider giving them the opportunity to send leads to you which would allow them to qualify for a drawing to be held at the end of the main event.
This might be a wine and cheese event or coffee and pie! This will also eliminate the “lookie loos” who have curiosity only and no desire to buy which will allow you to focus on the viable, intentional Buyers at the main event.
Tap into resources such a Next Door and other community portals to help get the news out. You may also want to consider door knocking the neighborhood and personally invite neighbors to the Preview.
Don’t miss the opportunity to add these neighbors to your data base. Although it’s a bit more work, these simple activities will set you apart.
Virtual Tours:
Of course, you will offer professional photographs and a virtual tour of the property, yet what if you take ONE extra step? We recommend that you go into MLS and search for similar properties that have gone under contract within the past 30 days. Send your virtual tour to the Buyer’s Agents on those under contract/sold properties. A quick virtual tour with the script stating that you are aware that they sold a similar property and wanted them to be aware of this property’s Open House in the event they are working with another Buyer desiring a similar property. You may not capture the Buyer, yet you will have one happy seller! Honestly, how many times have you sold a property only to have a similar Buyer appear wanting the same type of property?
The day of the Open House, start early and with intention. You will want to place signs out as early as the community and city will allow. The more exposure, the greater the opportunity.
Make a Statement!
Don’t limit your marketing to flyers and brochures! Be a boss! QR Codes are the rage and will provide the opportunity for your guests to scan and gain more information about not only the home, yet the schools, community and other areas that make the property more attractive. Knowledge is power and appropriate placement of QR Codes on marketing materials will lead to greater success…and again, set you apart. These links may be directed to showcase your services, website, forms to be completed, your Lender and other areas of services buyers’ desire.
Be Resourceful and Think BIG!
Your job is not to host an Open House, yet to create an experience for the entire neighborhood. When you generate activities and a buzz, leads will automatically follow. Consider forming a preferred partnership with you Lender or another affiliate partner (and the list is long) who help fund yet help man the Open House Event (more later). What if you considered a food truck, face painting or an ice cream truck?
Have Switch Properties in your Pocket:
All too often, Buyers visiting Open Houses are not qualified for the home they are visiting. We recommend that you have an inventory of all properties in the area (within minutes of the Open Hose) that are ONE step below in price from the Open House being hosted. When they buyer visits and states, “We love it, yet it’s above our price point.”
Be prepared to take them to one of these properties that might fit their desires and within their budget. This is where your Preferred Partner or business associate may come in! Have a designated individual (within compliance regulations and guidelines with your state and board) to host the Open House for you to step away and show the “switch” property and secure the Buyer for future showings. ONE way to execute this practice with ease and elegance is to notify the Listing Agent(s) of the property and share that you might show the home (during the Open House times) on extremely short notice…just so all are prepared and your time away from the Open House is minimized.
As a professional, you’ll have many tools in your box. Our hope is that by mastering the art of the Open House becomes one of your best and most effective tools to grow your business.
Keep in mind, it’s the small things that will set you apart from your competition. Pay close attention to the details, listen to understand, not respond and always, be a resource, not a sales pitch!
Realty ONE Group offers Real Estate Professionals 100% Commission AND the best training, support, technology, and tools in the industry! Learn more on how you can grow your business with Realty ONE Group!