We are creating a conversation and need your help!
The industry is rapidly changing with the rise of technology, unusual trends in the market, inventory shortages, new marketing strategies, social media, the list goes on….
Now is the time to start discussing it and create a communal place where voices, ideas, and opinions can be shared freely. We can all benefit from each others perspective and learn from each others stories, strategies, and mistakes.
Think of The Unwritten Blog as the central hub for all things Real Estate. Is there something happening in your local market that you feel should be discussed with the world? Have you found a new application that has streamlined your life as an agent and want to share it with your peers? Maybe, you just closed the biggest transaction of your career and want to talk about the process/ how fulfilling it was? Whatever your story is, we want to hear from YOU! EveryONE has a voice, and its time that we use them!
To become a contributing author, you have to first start by subscribing to The Unwritten Blog. You can do that by clicking HERE, or click the ‘subscribe’ button in the top right hand corner of the homepage. You will be taken to a page where you will need to enter the necessary information and also attach a copy of your content (in .doc or .docx format) so the Digital Content Team at Realty ONE Group can approve, edit, format, and provide imagery for the article. If approved, we will promote your content on the blog and also through our social media channels. Our mission is to create an ongoing conversation while also providing exposure and awareness for real estate professionals.
(You can also just subscribe to The Unwritten Blog without submitting content by simply filling out the information on the subscription page and leaving the content box blank.)
We are excited to hear from you and hear your thoughts on the industry. We do ask that submissions are written about industry related topics and also appropriate for digital publication. We cannot promise every submission will be published, but we will do our best to work with you to get your content onto our publishing calendar and out to the masses!
The future is Unwritten. Let’s write it together!